PING FNVW -> Re: What ever happened to Steve Boursy?
(too old to reply)
Dr. Flonkenstein
2005-07-28 14:12:23 UTC
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid typo/misspelling
doesn't prove your case at all...genius.
Especially funny since I've not been fired like Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr. Autospnak numero
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist over
and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him what?
Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.

I'd like to nominate him for CNotM August because of:

- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.

But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Tequila Titsz" Cameron explains world religions:
"The jews roots are islamic."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "dumbass" Cameron shows her knowledge of history:
"WRONGO. There was NO Bible before King James had it written."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Word Salad" Cameron shows her knowledge of science:
"Einstein never found the double superimposed doubl 'equilateral' triangle."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Kook of the year 2004" Cameron uses words she doesn't understand again:
"Why is the Pentagon killing American citizens with non-lethal technology?"

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Imnotalexadammit" Cameron has problems with that extra finger
on her hand:
"Why do the Jews use the Star of David as symbolic of the Pentagon, or
2005-07-28 14:56:58 UTC
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid typo/misspelling
doesn't prove your case at all...genius.
Especially funny since I've not been fired like Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr. Autospnak numero
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist over
and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him what?
Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
- being unable to understand ASCII art and blaming the artist.
- posting very broken PHP (the language he claims to be proficient in).
- thinking everybody who replies to him is reading NAN-AU.
- voluntarily taking his lames to alt.flame.
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
You can't make an August nomination before August. He might have run
away before then, or The End Of The World As We Know It might have
happened. He might even have acquired a clue (though TEOTWAWKI is a
lot more likely).

Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.

PJR :-)
alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQ:

[To reply by email, remove "NOSPAM".]
2005-07-28 16:49:30 UTC
MDIYM seems more likely.
Post by PJR
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
But I own you and my good friend Dr. Flaccid. I have spent little
time training you and my good friend the Dr. and should be rewarded
for such diligent effort.
Do you practice your chronic drooling daily?
Finally a flame, well almost a flame but I give you credit for trying.
It is way more then your other bun buddies have done so far.
Kind of lame but still better then the others.
So tell me moron, do you think the good Dr. Flatus needs your help
defending himself or can he pull your dick out of his mouth long
enough to do it himself? He just can't see around your fat ass to the
key board.
If there is not some sort of human bodily fluid involved, you just
cannot imagine or use it as a flame.

Weeeeelll, if that ain't the old telling conclusion...
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Dr. Flonkenstein
2005-07-28 21:00:31 UTC
MDIYM seems more likely.
Post by PJR
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
But I own you and my good friend Dr. Flaccid. I have spent little time
training you and my good friend the Dr. and should be rewarded for such
diligent effort.
Do you practice your chronic drooling daily?
Finally a flame, well almost a flame but I give you credit for trying. It
is way more then your other bun buddies have done so far.
Kind of lame but still better then the others.
So tell me moron, do you think the good Dr. Flatus needs your help
defending himself or can he pull your dick out of his mouth long enough
to do it himself? He just can't see around your fat ass to the key
If there is not some sort of human bodily fluid involved, you just cannot
imagine or use it as a flame.
Weeeeelll, if that ain't the old telling conclusion...
He still seems to be coming back for more and more spankings.
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Tequila Titsz" Cameron explains world religions:
"The jews roots are islamic."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "dumbass" Cameron shows her knowledge of history:
"WRONGO. There was NO Bible before King James had it written."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Word Salad" Cameron shows her knowledge of science:
"Einstein never found the double superimposed doubl 'equilateral' triangle."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Kook of the year 2004" Cameron uses words she doesn't understand again:
"Why is the Pentagon killing American citizens with non-lethal technology?"

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Imnotalexadammit" Cameron has problems with that extra finger
on her hand:
"Why do the Jews use the Star of David as symbolic of the Pentagon, or
2005-07-28 21:29:55 UTC
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
MDIYM seems more likely.
Post by PJR
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
But I own you and my good friend Dr. Flaccid. I have spent little time
training you and my good friend the Dr. and should be rewarded for such
diligent effort.
Do you practice your chronic drooling daily?
Finally a flame, well almost a flame but I give you credit for trying. It
is way more then your other bun buddies have done so far.
Kind of lame but still better then the others.
So tell me moron, do you think the good Dr. Flatus needs your help
defending himself or can he pull your dick out of his mouth long enough
to do it himself? He just can't see around your fat ass to the key
If there is not some sort of human bodily fluid involved, you just cannot
imagine or use it as a flame.
Weeeeelll, if that ain't the old telling conclusion...
He still seems to be coming back for more and more spankings.
That's because he's a kook. HTH!

PJR :-)
alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQ:

[To reply by email, remove "NOSPAM".]
Dr. Flonkenstein
2005-07-28 21:59:09 UTC
Post by PJR
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by Aratzio
MDIYM seems more likely.
Post by PJR
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
But I own you and my good friend Dr. Flaccid. I have spent little
time training you and my good friend the Dr. and should be rewarded
for such diligent effort.
Do you practice your chronic drooling daily?
Finally a flame, well almost a flame but I give you credit for trying.
It is way more then your other bun buddies have done so far.
Post by Aratzio
Kind of lame but still better then the others.
Post by Aratzio
So tell me moron, do you think the good Dr. Flatus needs your help
defending himself or can he pull your dick out of his mouth long enough
to do it himself? He just can't see around your fat ass to the key
If there is not some sort of human bodily fluid involved, you just
cannot imagine or use it as a flame.
Weeeeelll, if that ain't the old telling conclusion...
He still seems to be coming back for more and more spankings.
That's because he's a kook. HTH!
Ah, that's something new to me!
Post by PJR
PJR :-)
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Tequila Titsz" Cameron explains world religions:
"The jews roots are islamic."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "dumbass" Cameron shows her knowledge of history:
"WRONGO. There was NO Bible before King James had it written."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Word Salad" Cameron shows her knowledge of science:
"Einstein never found the double superimposed doubl 'equilateral' triangle."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Kook of the year 2004" Cameron uses words she doesn't understand again:
"Why is the Pentagon killing American citizens with non-lethal technology?"

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Imnotalexadammit" Cameron has problems with that extra finger
on her hand:
"Why do the Jews use the Star of David as symbolic of the Pentagon, or
2005-07-28 23:30:56 UTC
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 23:00:31 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
MDIYM seems more likely.
Post by PJR
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
But I own you and my good friend Dr. Flaccid. I have spent little time
training you and my good friend the Dr. and should be rewarded for such
diligent effort.
Do you practice your chronic drooling daily?
Finally a flame, well almost a flame but I give you credit for trying. It
is way more then your other bun buddies have done so far.
Kind of lame but still better then the others.
So tell me moron, do you think the good Dr. Flatus needs your help
defending himself or can he pull your dick out of his mouth long enough
to do it himself? He just can't see around your fat ass to the key
If there is not some sort of human bodily fluid involved, you just cannot
imagine or use it as a flame.
Weeeeelll, if that ain't the old telling conclusion...
He still seems to be coming back for more and more spankings.
Yep, but according to him, it is the other way around. He has had 2
other trolls tell him that his spanking anyone else is just in his
mind. But that just confirmed, for him, he was the one doing the
spanking. Ya gotta love that kook logic.

"My voices tell me I am winning!"
I see you're playing stupid again, looks like you are winning
Dr. Flonkenstein
2005-07-29 00:58:43 UTC
Post by Aratzio
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 23:00:31 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by Aratzio
MDIYM seems more likely.
Post by PJR
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
But I own you and my good friend Dr. Flaccid. I have spent little
time training you and my good friend the Dr. and should be rewarded
for such diligent effort.
Do you practice your chronic drooling daily?
Finally a flame, well almost a flame but I give you credit for trying.
It is way more then your other bun buddies have done so far.
Post by Aratzio
Kind of lame but still better then the others.
Post by Aratzio
So tell me moron, do you think the good Dr. Flatus needs your help
defending himself or can he pull your dick out of his mouth long enough
to do it himself? He just can't see around your fat ass to the key
If there is not some sort of human bodily fluid involved, you just
cannot imagine or use it as a flame.
Weeeeelll, if that ain't the old telling conclusion...
He still seems to be coming back for more and more spankings.
Yep, but according to him, it is the other way around. He has had 2 other
trolls tell him that his spanking anyone else is just in his mind. But
that just confirmed, for him, he was the one doing the spanking. Ya gotta
love that kook logic.
"My voices tell me I am winning!"
The little doggie has to be rubbed with his snout in it's excrements.

I know it's angainst the rules, but on the other hand I know it's
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Tequila Titsz" Cameron explains world religions:
"The jews roots are islamic."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "dumbass" Cameron shows her knowledge of history:
"WRONGO. There was NO Bible before King James had it written."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Word Salad" Cameron shows her knowledge of science:
"Einstein never found the double superimposed doubl 'equilateral' triangle."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Kook of the year 2004" Cameron uses words she doesn't understand again:
"Why is the Pentagon killing American citizens with non-lethal technology?"

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Imnotalexadammit" Cameron has problems with that extra finger
on her hand:
"Why do the Jews use the Star of David as symbolic of the Pentagon, or
2005-07-29 01:02:39 UTC
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 02:58:43 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by Aratzio
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 23:00:31 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by Aratzio
MDIYM seems more likely.
Post by PJR
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
But I own you and my good friend Dr. Flaccid. I have spent little
time training you and my good friend the Dr. and should be rewarded
for such diligent effort.
Do you practice your chronic drooling daily?
Finally a flame, well almost a flame but I give you credit for trying.
It is way more then your other bun buddies have done so far.
Post by Aratzio
Kind of lame but still better then the others.
Post by Aratzio
So tell me moron, do you think the good Dr. Flatus needs your help
defending himself or can he pull your dick out of his mouth long enough
to do it himself? He just can't see around your fat ass to the key
If there is not some sort of human bodily fluid involved, you just
cannot imagine or use it as a flame.
Weeeeelll, if that ain't the old telling conclusion...
He still seems to be coming back for more and more spankings.
Yep, but according to him, it is the other way around. He has had 2 other
trolls tell him that his spanking anyone else is just in his mind. But
that just confirmed, for him, he was the one doing the spanking. Ya gotta
love that kook logic.
"My voices tell me I am winning!"
The little doggie has to be rubbed with his snout in it's excrements.
I know it's angainst the rules, but on the other hand I know it's
He is winning teh war against the psests!
I see you're playing stupid again, looks like you are winning
Dr. Flonkenstein
2005-07-28 20:55:46 UTC
Post by PJR
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid typo/misspelling
doesn't prove your case at all...genius.
Especially funny since I've not been fired like Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr. Autospnak
numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him what?
Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
- being unable to understand ASCII art and blaming the artist.
- posting very broken PHP (the language he claims to be proficient in).
- thinking everybody who replies to him is reading NAN-AU.
- voluntarily taking his lames to alt.flame.
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
You can't make an August nomination before August. He might have run away
before then, or The End Of The World As We Know It might have happened. He
might even have acquired a clue (though TEOTWAWKI is a lot more likely).
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
Yeah, but I'm behind the Painius in the Assius candidate right now. So
I'll wait until August. It's clear I still will own him by that time.
Post by PJR
PJR :-)
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Tequila Titsz" Cameron explains world religions:
"The jews roots are islamic."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "dumbass" Cameron shows her knowledge of history:
"WRONGO. There was NO Bible before King James had it written."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Word Salad" Cameron shows her knowledge of science:
"Einstein never found the double superimposed doubl 'equilateral' triangle."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Kook of the year 2004" Cameron uses words she doesn't understand again:
"Why is the Pentagon killing American citizens with non-lethal technology?"

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Imnotalexadammit" Cameron has problems with that extra finger
on her hand:
"Why do the Jews use the Star of David as symbolic of the Pentagon, or
2005-07-28 21:28:55 UTC
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by PJR
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid typo/misspelling
doesn't prove your case at all...genius.
Especially funny since I've not been fired like Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr. Autospnak
numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him what?
Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
- being unable to understand ASCII art and blaming the artist.
- posting very broken PHP (the language he claims to be proficient in).
- thinking everybody who replies to him is reading NAN-AU.
- voluntarily taking his lames to alt.flame.
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
You can't make an August nomination before August. He might have run away
before then, or The End Of The World As We Know It might have happened. He
might even have acquired a clue (though TEOTWAWKI is a lot more likely).
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
Yeah, but I'm behind the Painius in the Assius candidate right now. So
I'll wait until August. It's clear I still will own him by that time.
I really don't get it. Fergie can be nominated for July and then, if
he loses in July, be nominated again for August. I don't see why the
nominations process has to be so Machiavellian.

Anyway, I think I may have seconded the Chucknozzle's nomination for
CNotM, but I'm the FNVW and I don't want to see credible candidates
excluded just because they might not win, so I'm allowed to make as
many nominations as I see fit.

I hereby nominate Mark "IKY" Ferguson for Clueless Newbie of the
Month, July 2005.


PJR :-)
alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQ:

[To reply by email, remove "NOSPAM".]
Art Deco
2005-07-28 21:57:41 UTC
Post by PJR
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by PJR
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid typo/misspelling
doesn't prove your case at all...genius.
Especially funny since I've not been fired like Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr. Autospnak
numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him what?
Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
- being unable to understand ASCII art and blaming the artist.
- posting very broken PHP (the language he claims to be proficient in).
- thinking everybody who replies to him is reading NAN-AU.
- voluntarily taking his lames to alt.flame.
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
You can't make an August nomination before August. He might have run away
before then, or The End Of The World As We Know It might have happened. He
might even have acquired a clue (though TEOTWAWKI is a lot more likely).
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
Yeah, but I'm behind the Painius in the Assius candidate right now. So
I'll wait until August. It's clear I still will own him by that time.
I really don't get it. Fergie can be nominated for July and then, if
he loses in July, be nominated again for August. I don't see why the
nominations process has to be so Machiavellian.
Anyway, I think I may have seconded the Chucknozzle's nomination for
CNotM, but I'm the FNVW and I don't want to see credible candidates
excluded just because they might not win, so I'm allowed to make as
many nominations as I see fit.
I hereby nominate Mark "IKY" Ferguson for Clueless Newbie of the
Month, July 2005.
I would second thsi esteemed nomination, but I have Painius teh
saucerhead up for CNotM.

May the best kook win!
Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler

"Don't be too envious. Yes, I have got it all. I am rich, I
have a good education, and I am rather good looking .. so
where does that leave you?
-- Charles D. "Chuckweasel" Bohne polishes his ego a bit

"That's what you expect from people who think that the
cyberworld isn't "RL"."
-- Dr. David Tholen, Psychic Astrologer
Dr. Flonkenstein
2005-07-28 21:58:38 UTC
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid typo/misspelling
doesn't prove your case at all...genius.
Especially funny since I've not been fired like Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr. Autospnak
numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him
what? Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
- being unable to understand ASCII art and blaming the artist. -
posting very broken PHP (the language he claims to be proficient in).
- thinking everybody who replies to him is reading NAN-AU. -
voluntarily taking his lames to alt.flame.
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
You can't make an August nomination before August. He might have run
away before then, or The End Of The World As We Know It might have
happened. He might even have acquired a clue (though TEOTWAWKI is a lot
more likely).
Why not July? I think he'd be a good candidate.
Yeah, but I'm behind the Painius in the Assius candidate right now. So
I'll wait until August. It's clear I still will own him by that time.
I really don't get it. Fergie can be nominated for July and then, if he
loses in July, be nominated again for August. I don't see why the
nominations process has to be so Machiavellian.
No I was standing behing Painius, but I changed my mind. It seemed a bit
silly to nominate somebody while a was favorite to another candidiate, but
now it seems Painius did his SIr Robin thing.
Anyway, I think I may have seconded the Chucknozzle's nomination for
CNotM, but I'm the FNVW and I don't want to see credible candidates
excluded just because they might not win, so I'm allowed to make as many
nominations as I see fit.
I hereby nominate Mark "IKY" Ferguson for Clueless Newbie of the Month,
July 2005.
PJR :-)
Firsted (my nomination may have crossed yours then :-)
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Tequila Titsz" Cameron explains world religions:
"The jews roots are islamic."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "dumbass" Cameron shows her knowledge of history:
"WRONGO. There was NO Bible before King James had it written."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Word Salad" Cameron shows her knowledge of science:
"Einstein never found the double superimposed doubl 'equilateral' triangle."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Kook of the year 2004" Cameron uses words she doesn't understand again:
"Why is the Pentagon killing American citizens with non-lethal technology?"

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Imnotalexadammit" Cameron has problems with that extra finger
on her hand:
"Why do the Jews use the Star of David as symbolic of the Pentagon, or
Sean Monaghan
2005-07-28 16:56:56 UTC
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid
typo/misspelling doesn't prove your case at
Especially funny since I've not been fired like
Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr.
Autospnak numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over >>>>>> and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him
what? Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
Seconded for July - but it is up to you, Doc, which month would be
better. I see Fergie as someone who might bore everyone by the time
the August ballot appears on the 1st of September; better to let him
run now while there is some momentum behind him. [JMO]
Sean Monaghan

Kook Kard Deck - http://www.petitmorte.net/sean/kookdeck/
2005-07-28 18:13:49 UTC
Post by Sean Monaghan
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid
typo/misspelling doesn't prove your case at
Especially funny since I've not been fired like
Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr.
Autospnak numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over >>>>>> and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him
what? Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
Seconded for July - but it is up to you, Doc, which month would be
better. I see Fergie as someone who might bore everyone by the time
the August ballot appears on the 1st of September; better to let him
run now while there is some momentum behind him. [JMO]
I see Fergie as someone that would bore Mr Hand (anyone, anyone).
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
2005-07-28 18:50:22 UTC
Post by Sean Monaghan
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid
typo/misspelling doesn't prove your case at
Especially funny since I've not been fired like
Mark has.
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr.
Autospnak numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over >>>>>> and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him
what? Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
Seconded for July - but it is up to you, Doc, which month would be
better. I see Fergie as someone who might bore everyone by the time
the August ballot appears on the 1st of September; better to let him
run now while there is some momentum behind him. [JMO]
I for one am tiring of him rapidly. If he's still here on Sept 1st a GK
might be more appropriate.

You know he's already won a Foam Duck, years ago, I assume?

PJR :-)
alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQ:

[To reply by email, remove "NOSPAM".]
Dr. Flonkenstein
2005-07-28 21:09:57 UTC
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:11:16 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 04:24:06 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 03:40:46 +0200, "Dr. Flonkenstein"
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:13:07 -0400, Gary L. Burnore
Claiming smarts and then making a stoopid
typo/misspelling doesn't prove your case at
Especially funny since I've not been fired like Mark
When you kept on banging your face on his fist. Mr.
Autospnak numero uno.
I guess that not as bad as you bang your sphincter on his fist
over >>>>>> and over again.... ewwww.
English not first language, o owned one?
Shut up, owned retard.
What a luzer net loon. Shouldn't your idiocy be cross posted to
alt.morons instead of altr.morons?
Tarding out again I see.
Wow, a typo lame. What will he think of next?
Wait, he already did mommy lames, incest lames so that leaves him what?
Fag/gender lames? Oops, he did that already.
- screwed up UNIX/vi command lames.
- posting empty messages.
- posting noobie lames.
- autospanking.
But I guess I have to wait the month of August, is it?
Seconded for July - but it is up to you, Doc, which month would be better.
I see Fergie as someone who might bore everyone by the time the August
ballot appears on the 1st of September; better to let him run now while
there is some momentum behind him. [JMO]
Ok, I'll let him out of the bozo bin and nominate him then, too bad for
Painius the Assusholius (he ran away anyway)!

The nomination is based on previous remarks, with the added feature that
he confuses "being owned" by "owning". See also the points PJR added.

Thanks for the second, Sean.
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Tequila Titsz" Cameron explains world religions:
"The jews roots are islamic."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "dumbass" Cameron shows her knowledge of history:
"WRONGO. There was NO Bible before King James had it written."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Word Salad" Cameron shows her knowledge of science:
"Einstein never found the double superimposed doubl 'equilateral' triangle."

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Kook of the year 2004" Cameron uses words she doesn't understand again:
"Why is the Pentagon killing American citizens with non-lethal technology?"

in Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
Alexa "Imnotalexadammit" Cameron has problems with that extra finger
on her hand:
"Why do the Jews use the Star of David as symbolic of the Pentagon, or